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ECE & Primary Book Week 2022: Parent Session: Thursday Nov 17 9:00-9:50am

Sneed Collard

Thursday November 17, 9:00-9:50am

Sneed Collard will have an online author session with Year 1 to 3 and Year 4 to 6 students, during Book Week. 

Sneed is based in America and graduated with Honors in Marine Biology from Berkeley at the University of California. He began writing while earning a Master’s in Science.

Sneed's books have won many awards and are regular features on the Junior Library Guild and Outstanding Science Trade Books lists. 

More books by Sneed 下面是Sneed书的例子:

You are invited!

Online session with author for parents: Thursday November 17, 9:00-9:50am

This parent session will focus on how to interest children in reading and writing non-fiction through an appreciation of nature.

Sneed will talk about his life and adventures, and some of the books that came about as a result. Sneed will also draw on his book Teaching Nonfiction Revision, to give parents some strategies they can use when helping their child improve their non-fiction writing.

RSVP for the session: Click Here

从自然到非虚构类读物--通过阅读非虚构读物提高您孩子的阅读和写作。 本次家长会的重点是如何通过欣赏自然来激发孩子对阅读和写作兴趣。

讲座将由Sneed Collard(作者兼研究员)主持,他将在第12(1114-18)的读书周期间向所有小学生发表演讲。





Some of Sneed's Non-Fiction Books